Hey Everyone! Let’s take a break. Let us distance ourselves from each other.
Yes, you read it write. Now is a great time for you to distance yourself from your daily lifestyle and go into self-quarantine, practice social distancing. The novel corona virus outbreak has escalated rather quickly and turned into an epidemic. School and colleges are closed down, businesses have been affected massively and there is no cure in sight.
The current Covid-19 outbreak has affected more countries than World War I & II combine had affected. And with no cure available right now, all we can do is follow the advices laid down by government bodies and medical institutes. Among all the advices, the best one to practice is Social Distancing.

Social Distancing is the practice of going into self-quarantine and avoiding public and crowded places and maintaining at least 3-4 feet of distance from others. The practice of social distancing is intended to slow down the spread of the virus and help flatten the curve. The main aim of Social Distancing is to reduce the risk of someone getting infected by maintaining safe distance and avoiding unnecessary gatherings.
Practicing Social Distancing does not mean you go into complete isolation and avoid public meeting at all, it mean you practice personal as well as public hygiene. While there are things you should definitely avoid during such times, there are few things you can do to avoid boredom and make the most out this available time.
Safe practices:
- Reading a book
- Practicing an indoor hobby
- Binge watching your favourite TV show or Movie.
- Cook a healthy meal
- Catch up on shows, movies and books you have been planning to complete
- Clean your closet, organise your stuff
- Take out the old family album and get nostalgic
Practices that you should avoid:
- Going out in public and crowded places unnecessarily
- Arranging play dates for your kids
- Planning Travel
- Touching your face, nose or rubbing your eyes
- Coming in physical contacts with anyone else
While the world tries to recover from the effects of Corona Virus, I would recommend you to stay home and practice self-quarantine and social distancing as we wait for authorities to find a cure. Amidst all the chaos and panic, Prime Minister Modi has also announced ‘Janta Curfew’ on 22nd March for 14 hours to curb the spread of virus.